Grid Expansion - Request for Quotations
Since 2014 we have built the grid ourselves. As we are expanding further we would like to re-evaluate suitable contractors to share some of the work with. In the past the quotations we received from contractors did not warrant us to contract the work out. Hopefully we can find a suitable contractor this time who is able to offer competitive pricing for the required work and who we can build a long term relationship with.
We have identified 14 sites where we plan to expand our grid within the next 5 years. This year we plan on completing 3 new sites one of which is the content of this request. All 3 sites may be contracted out if suitable bids are available. We will discuss the other 2 sites with the successful bidder for this Nkuta site.
Published: 2/July/2019
Submission: 21/July/2019 23:59 by email
Details are available here - MEGA Bidding Information Nkuta

Suppliers and Contractors
MEGA works with contractors for engineering and construction of the micro-hydro generation and mini-grid distribution infrastructure. Short-term opportunities related to project management, environmental assessments, SME development, funding proposal development, etc. also exist. Individual consultants and companies are considered.
If you wish to join MEGA’s database of potential contractors send an expression of interest with a profile of your company.